What is YogaYoga is very much known as the path to enlightenment of the soul.To achieve this goal one has to attain the union of mind, spirit and body.Yoga comes originally from the Hindu philosophy. The word is derived from the sanskrit word 'yeung', which means to join.There are various paths the yoga apprentice has to follow to find spiritual insight and harmony for example:. .Traditionally yoga consists of eight fundamental paths known as:. - 1. Ashtanga or Raja Yoga
- 2. Bhakti Yoga
- 3. Hatha Yoga
- 4.
Jnana Yoga - 5. Karma Yoga
- 6. Maha Yoga
- 7.
Purna Yoga - 8. Tantra Yoga
.There are many institutions of yoga which all have there own unique beliefs and practices. In the western world, the term yoga often refers to Hatha Yoga which is perfecting the mind by way of perfecting the body. This technique uses many Asanas, breathing techniques and meditation.Another popular type of yoga is ashtanga which is considered as a type of aerobic since they utilise quick and smooth transitions between the poses.The well known 'ommmm' chant is commonly used in Mantra. This type of yoga is focused on calming the body and mind through usage of sanskrit word and sounds.No matter which school one chooses, yoga is a very diverse practice. Old and young people can gain many benefits from regular yoga practices. Asanas can be adjusted to suit the physical limitations of those participating. You can practise at home or anywhere you want at any time of the day. If you want to breakfree from weight rooms, gyms or tread mills, take a look at yoga.Attain liberation from wordly suffering through mastery over the body, mind and emotional self.Take the first step on the path to join body and soul in harmony. .Stuart Perryman Yoga: Body - Spirit - Mind By: Stuart Perryman Candles
What is Yoga - Yoga is very much known as the path to enlightenment of the soul.A Little Kindness Goes Along Way - No matter where you go, someone's going to make you mad.Cheapskates Stay StressFree - Books - new or used? I vote for used - preferably paperbacks.Are You Worried Youre Worrying Too Much - We all experience some stress in our lives every day, but if you find yourself worrying so much that you?re losing sleep and having a hard time concentrating at work, then it is time you took action.Just Do It - If you have ever been like me, anytime in your life, and had struggles with getting things done, or accomplishing those goals you have been putting off and even further can?t find the motivation to even do these things that you want to do then I p.more...