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I Want To Date My Friend Should I Ask Them Out

Maybe yes, maybe no, this depends on the relationship you have with your friend. Will asking your friend out make them uncomfortable? Or,is it that you both feel the same way but don't know how to approach each other about this subject.

You say, you don't want to ruin the relationship you have with your friend, if you ask them out for a date and they say no. You couldn't deal with the rejection and embarrassment that you may feel later on.

Sandra has known Tom for three years and they are close friends. Tom has had a crush on Sandra for the last two years but does not know how to let Sandra know how he feels. Ironically, Sandra has wanted to date Tom since they met while attending college classes three years ago. She has been wanting Tom to ask her out on a formal date, but he hasn't.

She even thought about asking him out, but she was unsure if this would create problems for their friendship. Neither one of them know what they should do, so they haven't done anything about how they feel.

Could it be that your friend is feeling the same way you do, but also has a fear of rejection as well! There's got to be an easier way to break the ice, to get us both past this, if we think our relationship can be more than a friendship.

Are there some signs that you both are giving off that may make you think you are attracted to each other in a romantic way outside of your friendship? Well, here are some signs that you may want to look for, when you consider approaching your friend about going on a date and developing your romantic relationship:

1. You both enjoy spending lots of time together and never seem to get enough of each other.

2. Both of you find yourselves staring at each other for long periods of time but don't say how you feel about each other romantically.

3. You both spend almost everyday with each other and you feel like that no day is complete without spending time together.

4. Both of you feel butterflies inside when you see each other and are very anxious and happy to be together.

5. You and your friend think about each other all the time. You both find that you say each others names all the time. You even sometimes complete each others sentences.

Well, if you and your friend have any of these signs then it sounds like you're more than just good friends! You must be in love! It's probably a good idea at this point to go for it! Ask your friend out on a date.

Chances are, your friend may have wanted to do the same thing. You'll be happy you did. Both of you will probably wonder why you didn't do this sooner. Looks like Sandra and Tom will be asking each other out on a date soon!.

Article Source: http://www.articledashboard.



Nocita is a writer and web designer that creates websites providing informative tips on various subject matter including personal finance tips on your personal finances at www.

personal-finance-tips-for-you.com ; dating tips at www.mydating-tips.com and your choice of ebooks at ebook-corner-for-you.com . .

By: Nocita


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