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How to Get What You Want

Last night I was fortunate enough to speak for one of my favorite networking groups, Chester County Women (http://www.chescowomen.org). I had a partner in my presentation, a very gifted and highly trained Feng Shui expert, Shila Pandya (http://www.

fengshui-4u.com). I was fascinated by Shila's portion of the presentation and one thing she said has particularly stuck with me this morning.Those of you who know me well know that I am not an overly spiritual person. Over the last several years, I have become much more open to things like manifesting, affirmations and the law of attraction but I still work consciously to remind myself of these skills as they don't come naturally to me.Well, last night Shila spoke very eloquently about energy and how what you focus on expands.

This was not new news to me but at that moment I became conscious of the fact that lately, I have been focusing on the "lack" in my life and not the abundance in my life. So, I made a conscious change this morning and began to use some affirmations that I have somehow gotten out of the habit of using. One of those affirmations is, "money comes to me easily".

Sure enough, this morning I got a call and was asked to be in a Comcast focus group where I will be paid $125 for 30 minutes of my time. Not exactly what I was looking for, but it's money and it's easy, right? Isn't that crazy? Shila told us to use affirmations like this and then watch for signs. If that phone call wasn't a sign, I don't know what is.

Try creating some affirmations for yourself. They can be about anything from having more money, confidence and clients to getting pregnant. Just phrase them in the present tense, as if they are already happening.

Once you've done that, spend some time focusing on what life will be like when you get there. All of this positive visualization literally gets your energy vibrating on a higher frequency and consequently more of that same energy comes back to you.I know that some of you have a hard time with this type of thinking and I completely understand that. But, I ask you just to think about the energy that someone gives off when they are depressed, sad or desperate.

Can't you feel that energy? Contrast that with what you feel from someone who is excited, energetic and positive. It's just like momentum in sports?you can feel it when a game turns and suddenly one team or the other has the momentum. It doesn't even matter if they're not winning at that point. You can feel the energy going their way.So, try it. Say these affirmations to yourself as many times a day as you can - when you're at stoplights, when you're exercising, when you're brushing your teeth.

You get extra credit if you say them out loud or write them down. What do you have to lose?or should I say gain?.Have a great Memorial Day weekend (repeat after me, I look great in a bathing suit, I look great in a bathing suit?).

.For 18 years Karyn Pless built her career in marketing, working her way up the corporate ladder to Vice President of Marketing of Zany Brainy while also juggling two children and a husband. After turning to a personal coach herself to reduce the chaos in her life, Karyn decided to become trained and certified as a professional coach and started a company called Shine Personal Coaching in 2004 to help business leaders who are also mothers balance those competing roles.In January of 2006, Shine Personal Coaching officially transitioned to Beyond Balance, Work Life Integration Strategies for Professionals in response to client requests for expanded offerings including corporate training, seminars and keynotes in addition to the executive coaching she was already providing.

Karyn's 2 publications, the Beyond Balance Home Study System and Balance: Real Life Strategies for Work/Life Balance are available on her website, http://www.worklifeexpert.com.

You can also subscribe to her free ezine, Balancing Roles, on the site.

By: Karyn Pless


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