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Enchantress Series Lets Get Physical

If you have been following this series, you will have gone through your house and removed anything you didn't absolutely love or need. After that, you spent some time on your inner realms working to get rid of old emotional baggage that is no longer serving you. This article is to help feel great about our bodies!.Society puts impossible standards on women on how they think they "should" look, or what beauty "really" is.

We are going to forget all about those standards now. We have one unique body that is ours until we die. Let's love it today!.Our first order of business is to get in the bath.

I want you to scrub yourself from head to toe, use sea salts if you can, Epsom salt will also work fine, or even some regular table salt. Salt is a purifier and will help detox and exfoliate. Spend additional time on your elbows, feet, and any other area that you normally have rougher or drier skin at.

After you've scrubbed, just relax for about fifteen minutes and allow your skin to soak up some moisture from the water. Keeping your skin in top form is not only to be attractive. As the largest organ of our bodies, our skin affects the rest of our physical health too. Give your skin the time it deserves to be healthy and to serve you well.Dry yourself off and rub lotion all over.

Any lotion will do, if it smells extra nice, then that's an aromatherapy bonus! While you are rubbing the lotion into your body, pay attention to your skin and your body. Think about how your body serves you everyday with your busy schedule and how it deserves to be pampered and treated very well by you.Stay naked, if possible. Go to a mirror and really look at yourself. Don't zone into the areas you are less than pleased with.

Look at your body as a whole. What a miracle you have with your skin and bones and organs. How often do you spend time being grateful of this? It's not about how it looks, it's about how it feels to you, how it serves you in your life.If you have been at war with your body, make amends now. If you need to diet, see your doctor and get started.

Formulate an exercise program or contact the plastic surgeon. Whatever you think you need to come to peace with this physical form you are in for this lifetime, make a plan and do it. In the meantime, we are still working on loving ourselves.Take some time and feel yourself, stroke yourself lightly, hug yourself, give yourself a massage or Reiki treatment.

This is a personal time to be alone with your body. Make this a regular time, at least once a week for a half hour if that is possible for you.Give yourself an orgasm if you feel so inclined to. If you aren't comfortable with that, then let that pass for now.

Just feel good with your body however you feel the best about doing it. Self-love is the first thing you need before you can properly love others, and that includes your physical self too.Make sure giving your appreciation to your body is a priority for you. Touching yourself and touch from others is a necessary part of any wellness plan.

Speaking of others, ask for plenty of hugs! Getting hugs boosts your immune system, not to mention how good they feel! If you are in a relationship, keep the romance alive. An active, healthy sex life will take at least ten years off your age.Let's not forget about our hair! When you take your weekly bath and body pleasuring time, wash your hair and put a deep conditioner in it.

What shape is it in? If you don't love the color or style of your hair, make an appointment to get that taken care of as soon as possible.Get your nails, including your toenails in shape while your working on the rest of you too. They don't need to be especially manicured, remember we are not worried about looks. We are focusing on how we feel and making sure we are well kept will help us feel better.You have done a lot of work through these last three articles. Treat yourself to something nice now! It's important to reward yourself for work well done.

Take a break and get ready for letting the Enchantress you are becoming out into the world. The next article will begin talking about meeting our wants and needs.Please make sure and email me if you missed any of the previous articles or want to make sure and receive the next ones. I'm also always happy to talk with you if you need extra pointers or would like to share how this information is helping you in your own life.

.Tracy Togliatti is a Registered Reiki Master through the Global Reiki Association and an Energy Psychology Practitioner.

Tracy is also acting Director of http://www.happyher.com, where she offers a Free Advice service and free email Reiki lessons. You may contact her anytime here http://www.happyher.com/advice/contact.


By: Tracy Togliatti


What is Yoga - Yoga is very much known as the path to enlightenment of the soul.

A Little Kindness Goes Along Way - No matter where you go, someone's going to make you mad.

Cheapskates Stay StressFree - Books - new or used? I vote for used - preferably paperbacks.

Are You Worried Youre Worrying Too Much - We all experience some stress in our lives every day, but if you find yourself worrying so much that you?re losing sleep and having a hard time concentrating at work, then it is time you took action.

Just Do It - If you have ever been like me, anytime in your life, and had struggles with getting things done, or accomplishing those goals you have been putting off and even further can?t find the motivation to even do these things that you want to do then I p.


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