Candle Making - Getting Started
have so much candle making information spread throughout
this site that it often confuses newcomers. This article
will enable you to get started as easily as possible. Since
many of my feature articles were not written in any specific
order, it will also help you read them in the correct order.
Once you have familiarized yourself with the basics, pick an
easy project, collect some materials, and get started. Items
marked with an asterisk (*) should be considered mandatory
First and foremost with any candle making is safety and fire
prevention. Although candle making is fairly safe when done
properly, it is extremely hazardous when not done properly.
Once you have learned the safety rules, it is time to
familiarize yourself with Basic Materials and Basic
Procedures. This article deals primarily with making a
molded candle, however much of the information applies to
all types of candles.
Candle Measures
- Candles are usually made with a mixture of ingredients,
generally referred to as a formula or recipe. As with
cooking, it is desirable to be able to mix your formula with
a fair amount of accuracy.
Wick Selection*
Contrary to popular belief, the correct wick size for each
mold cannot be found on a chart. The proper size wick for
any application is determined as much by wax formula as it
is by candle diameter.
Candles As a Closed System
This is one of the hardest things for beginners to grasp,
however understanding this removes much of the mystery about
candle making. Basically every component of a candle affects
every other component, so changing any item can affect the
way it looks, burns, smells, etc...
Candle Shrinkage
The most commonly asked questions
about candle making involve wax shrinking when cooled.
Information on why it shrinks, when is it desirable, and how
to reduce shrinkage when undesirable can be found in Candle
Although the above information is a good start towards
becoming a candle maker, this site offers a wealth of
additional information as well. The Candle Instruction Index
offers links to more advanced and specialized candle making
topics. Many project instructions are also available. Most
are rated by difficulty, and illustrated with step by step